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MBA Quiz Questions Answers (Business Communications Quiz - 38)

1. There are many barriers, which impede the listening process. Many people are poor listeners, becausethey are overly concerned with themselves. This concern, a barrier to listening is termed as
[A]Casual attitude

2. Conflicts are inevitable. Even the most amicable people get upset at times. Disagreements arisebecause individuals see, hear, and interpret things differently. Which of the following is/are potentialsources of conflict?
I. Competition for scarce resources.
II. Poor communication.
III. Power struggles.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Only (III) above
[D]All (I), (II) and (III) above

3. The success of a meeting depends on the ability of each individual member of a group to communicatewith the rest of the group as a whole. When conducting a meeting
[A]If some people are too quiet, leave them alone; they probably have nothing to contribute
[B]If some people dominate the conversation, let them do so, since they are probably the most knowledgeable attendees
[C]Try to simply act as an observer, and let the meeting "run itself"
[D]None of the above

4. Regardless of your background, knowledge, or skill, each time you speak it is a different and uniqueexperience. The _______________ delivery is often referred as the “middle course”.

5. You are asked to prepare a message, which is going to be received by different people across thecountry. To make the communication/message effective, you must
[A]Include as many visual aids as possible
[B]Solicit audience participation
[C]Look for the common denominators that tie the group together
[D]Address a few vocal members

6. How do you deal with your finding of customer error when responding to a claim (complaint)?
[A]Don't reveal the customer's error because that could displease the customer.
[B]Let the customer understand his/her error in using the product or service without insulting the customer in any way.
[C]Point out the customer's error very directly so that such error-prone customers do not do business with you again.
[D]Instead of explaining the customer's error, let the company take responsibility for the error.

7. You are writing a business message to a customer regarding the benefits of a to-be introduced and a bitcostlier product. You have to include evidences supporting the claims you have made regarding theutility of the product. The evidence should be
[A]As abstract as possible
[B]Minimal if your subject is complex or unfamiliar
[C]Enough to be convincing but not so much that it's boring
[D]All of the same type, such as examples or statistics

8. You are graduating from business school in another month and entering the job market. Your educationhas equipped you with a set of resources - qualifications, skills – that you now have to sell to prospective employers. What additional section would improve the effectiveness of a scannable resume?
[A]An application letter should be made a part of a scannable resume, so the letter can be in the database too
[B]A detailed "References" section to enable the employer to check out your references before calling you for an interview
[C]A "Keyword Summary" section
[D]A "Keyword Summary" section in a box

9. Two punctuation styles are customarily used in business letters: open and mixed. Standard or mixedpunctuation uses which of the following after the salutation and a comma after the complimentaryclose?
[A]A period
[B]An exclamation mark
[C]A semi colon
[D]A colon

10. When business people speak of reports, they are, in general, thinking of written, factual accounts thatobjectively communicate information about some aspect of the business. Which of the following will not give the readers a sense of the overall structure of a report?
I. The opening.
II. Headings and lists.
III. Transitions.
IV. The final outline.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (II) above
[C]Only (IV) above
[D]Both (I) and (II) above

11. Whether you are speaking, writing, or listening, communication is more than a single act. Instead, it isa chain of events that can be broken into five phases, feedback as the last phase. Feedback is the receiver’s response to a message; it can take a number of verbal and nonverbal forms. Which of thefollowing is not a good way to give constructive feedback?
[A]Focusing on particular behaviors; feedback should be specific rather than general
[B]Keeping feedback impersonal; keep feedback job related
[C]Using "you" statements; make clear where the employee is wrong
[D]Making feedback well timed; there should be only a short interval between the recipient's behaviorand the feedback

12. Non-verbal communication is defined as the communication, which is not conveyed using words but byour facial expressions, body movements, tone of the voice etc. The study of the non-verbal symbols is divided into three main areas: paralanguage, proxemics, and kinesics. What does kinesics mean?
[A]A study of the tone of voice, the loudness, rate of speech, etc.
[B]A study of how people use the physical space around them
[C]A study of body movements and facial expressions
[D]A study of how particular words have an impact on the receivers

13. The listener can use a number of verbal and nonverbal cues to aid the speaker in communicating.Sometimes nodding the head slightly or casual remarks like ‘I see’ can tell the speaker
[A]Listener is bored
[B]Whatever communication took place that is enough
[C]Listener is actively involved in the communication process
[D]Listener is frustrated with the communication

14. Success in negotiation, like other things in life, does not just happen. A good deal of preparation isnecessary to understand people involved, our expectations from the negotiation, how much are wewilling to concede at the time of negotiation etc. Advantage of high bid in negotiation
[A]Provides a quick settlement
[B]Ensures that the other party walks out
[C]Provides room for maneuvering
[D]Improves chances of winning

15. Sometimes -------- sessions are used to arrive at a decision. Members are encouraged to generate asmany ideas about a topic as they can. Every idea is recorded. No idea is rejected at the initial stage.The group then returns to the ideas and adopts those that seem most feasible or most useful
[A]Nominal group technique
[D]Reflective thinking

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