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Management Paper of NET Exam (Management Quiz - 49)

1. The managerial creative process involves four overlapping phases. What is the sequence of thesephases?
I. Insight.
II. Intuition.
III. Unconscious scanning.
IV. Logical formulation.
[A](III), (II), (I) and (IV)
[B](II), (III), (IV) and (I)
[C](III), (I), (II) and (IV)
[D](I), (II), (III) and (IV)

2. According to William Ouchi, organizations that exhibit a style of management that combines traits ofJapanese and American companies are called
[A]Theory X organizations
[B]Theory Y organizations
[C]Theory Z organizations
[D]Modern organizations

3. In a business situation, things are so complex, that without proper plans this complexity cannot behandled. Planning is a prerequisite not only for achieving success but also for surviving in a complexand competitive world. Accordingly, there can be different types of plans in an organization.A plan thatcomprises general guidelines, does not lock managers into a specific course of action and does not havedefined objectives is referred to as
[A]Operational plan
[B]Tactical plan
[C]Strategic plan
[D]Directional plan

4. In a PERT network, the sequence of events and activities requiring the longest period of time tocomplete is
[A]Called the network
[B]Indicated by thin arrows
[C]The path that managers avoid
[D]The critical path

5. In an organization, where individuals work in co-ordination and contribute to the achievement oforganizational goals is called
[A]Unity of direction
[B]Unity of command
[C]Hierarchy of authority
[D]Authority on Par

6. In order to understand the opportunities and threats faced by an organization, managers should analyzetheir organization’s environment. There are various tools available for the purpose. What are the threemost effective tools that managers can use to analyze their organization’s environment?
[A]Benchmarking, planning, and evaluating
[B]Environmental scanning, forecasting, and benchmarking
[C]Strategic planning, environmental scanning, and TQM
[D]Forecasting, budgeting, and time management

7. In order to understand the role of management, in the late 1960s, Henry Mintzberg devised a newapproach – the managerial roles approach –by observing what managers actually do. A branch manager of manufacturing company, representing his company in local board of commerce, is acting in which ofthe managerial roles laid down by Mintzberg?
[D]Resource Allocator

8. Information is one of the important resources for managers. For information to be useful to managers, itmust possess certain attributes. The information attribute which explains that information is availablewhen it is needed without excessive delay pertains to
[A]Information accuracy
[B]Information timeliness
[C]Information time horizon
[D]Information completeness

9. Interviewing is an important step in the selection process of an organization. When a managerinterviews a job candidate by asking him a list of questions from an outline, this is an example of what type of interview?

10. It is a normal practice to categorize management into three basic levels: (1) top management, (2) middle management and (3) supervisory or first-level management. The managers at these three levels requiredifferent kinds of skills to perform the functions associated with their jobs. The major difference in skill requirements between middle and top managers is that
[A]Top managers must generally be more skilled than middle managers in every respect
[B]Top managers require better interpersonal skills but less conceptual skills than middle managers
[C]Top managers generally require better technical and interpersonal skills than middle managers
[D]Top managers generally require higher level conceptual skills but less technical skills than middlemanagers

11. JIT (Just-In-Time) inventory control is an approach to inventory control that stresses on havingmaterials arrive just when they are required in the production process. Which of the following does notapply to Just-In-Time (JIT) system?
[A]Suppliers need to be located in close proximity
[B]Organization must have ISO 9001 certification
[C]Reliable transportation facilities should be available
[D]Suppliers need to be capable of providing high quality materials

12. Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization, andare capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on followers are _____ leaders.

13. Lyman W. Porter and Edward E. Lawler III developed the expanded expectancy theory model. Whichof the following is not true with regard to the Porter and Lawler model of motivation?
[A]It’s built on Vroom’s expectancy theory
[B]It means motivation is not a simple cause-and-effect matter
[C]It assumes that satisfaction leads to performance
[D]It emphasizes reward structure

14. Major decisions in organizations are most often made by groups rather than a single individual. Groupdecision-making is the norm in most large and complex organizations. There are different groupdecision-making techniques. Two such techniques are Nominal Group technique and Delphi technique. The difference between the Nominal Group technique and the Delphi technique is
[A]One is a verbal approach, the other is written
[B]One is a short term group, the other long term
[C]One is visual, the other is verbal
[D]One is face-to-face, the other keeps group members anonymous

15. Management is best understood as
I. A process.
II. Reaching organizational goals.
III. Utilizing people and other resources.
[A]Only (I) above
[B]Only (III) above
[C]Both (I) and (II) above
[D]All (I), (II) and (III) above

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